Membrane is free to use right away with our Hobby plan. Upgrade to Pro for additional compute, storage, and features.

│                │ Hobby          │ Pro ($20)      │                                       │
│ Programs       │ ∞              │ ∞              │ How many programs you can run.        │
│ Timeout        │ ∞              │ ∞              │ How long a program can `await`.       │
│ Logs retention │ ∞              │ ∞              │ How long you can access program logs. │
│ CPU time       │ 10 seconds     │ 60 seconds     │ How long an invocation/query can run. │
│ Memory         │ 250 MB         │ 1 GB           │ How much memory a program can use.    │
│ (storage)      │                │                │ Memory is durable, so this equates    │
│                │                │                │ to how much data a program can hold.  │
│ Concurrency    │ 3              │ 10             │ How many programs can use CPU time    │
│                │                │                │ simultaneously.                       │
│ Email          │ Email yourself │ Email anyone   │ Send/receive email programmatically.  │
│ SMS            │ Text yourself  │ Text anyone    │ Send/receive SMS programmatically.    │
│ Custom domain  │ No             │ Yes            │ Use custom domains as endpoint URLs.  │
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